How To French Kiss

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Healing The Natural Way - Let Mother Nature Kiss It Better!

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These days, more and more people are beginning to accept that natural remedies can prove to be a very effective means of treating illnesses. Science still holds many answers, yes, but the natural world around us has its fair share to offer too.

Think of penicillin – a wonderful antibiotic that was discovered in a mould that had grown on some bread. Then think of Aspirin, which is made from the salicylic acid that occurs naturally in the bark of the willow tree. Natural treatments, the both of them, and very effective they are too. It could be argued that Aspirin is not one of the most powerful of painkillers, and that there are many more synthetic drugs that are much more effective. Perhaps this is true; but let us not forget that one of the most powerful painkillers available comes from a humble poppy. I am, of course talking about Morphine.

Let us also not forget about another natural remedy - Aloe Vera. Aloe Vera proves a very effective treatment for, amongst other things, eczema and minor burns. And how do we get Aloe Vera? By crushing up the leaves of the plant of the same name and then extracting the juice. It’s simple. It’s natural, and it’s effective.

Today natural remedies might be classed as alternative medicine, but there was a time when there was no alternative. It was a natural cure or no cure at all. Isn’t it funny how times change?

Do you remember that old saying: ‘An apple a day keeps the doctor away?’ Well apples are a veritable superstore of vitamins and minerals – they taste good too – and all of this natural apple goodness can be found in cider vinegar.

Detox is a big word these days. You hear it a lot, but have you ever heard that cider vinegar is great for detoxing a lot of your body’s organs, and purifying the blood? No? I thought not, but it is true none the less. The same vinegar can also, when mixed with honey, be used to treat arthritis. The truth is it can be used to treat a great many things from constipation to colitis.

Science has a lot of answers. Sometimes it holds the only answers. Let us not forget though that, for a lot of things, there can be other, more natural, answers that can be sought.

Rupert Malone Versatile Vinegar

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