How To French Kiss

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Men, Learn How to Really Kiss a Women!

88% Of People Do Not Know How To Kiss Their Partner.

>>  Learn How To Be A Wonderful Kisser and Make Your Partner Beg For More <<

Have you ever asked 10 women how they really like to be kissed. I did this the other week and was surprised about the feedback.

One of the most valuable things I have learnt in kissing is to first check out if she really wants one!

I do a few things to check this out. I observe my dates body language and see if she is facing me, exposing a leg or touching her hair etc.

Once you get a feeling that your date could be interested in kissing you, I like to touch her hair lightly and say, you have great hair. Maybe then I very lightly run my fingers up the back of her hair. Women love a very light touch on any part of their bodies.

Eye contact is very important. This brings you closer together and more intimacy develops. The eyes bring presence and energy to the relationship.

When I touch, I like to be very present in my hand and enjoy the touch inside myself. I do not touch to turn her on as she will pick up on this. If I feel energy in touching she will pick this up and respond too.

Another thing I do sometimes is to touch her face very lightly and look into her eyes. I lightly grab her hair and pull slightly. I have had women dissolve from doing this.

Women like you to take the lead. This shows you are a confident man. Wussy behaviour is to ask for a kiss. Please visit my site for more tips on kissing.

So hopefully the stage is set now for a kiss. Start gently with no tongue and then stop kissing her and pull away. This is a great tease and lets the women know you are in control and not needy. Wait till she really wants your tongue inside and no sloppy kisses please.

Most men try to use their tongue too soon and I have talk to many women about this and they hate it. Another turn off is sloppy kisses. Women really hate this.

Bad breath is another real turn off. Clean your teach before dating and use a mouth wash and tongue scraper. What food you eat can also influence your breath. Garlic is a no no.

Gentle and soft is best to start. Talk again and then kiss and she will respond more. Tease her again and sometimes she will get so turned on she will grab you and want to take you to bed.

Have fun with your next kiss.

Mauice Tate is a qualified sexologist trained at the Advanced Institute of Sexology. To improve your relationships go to Free Sex Tips

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    Kiss-Before You Invest Your Money

    88% Of People Do Not Know How To Kiss Their Partner.

    >>  Learn How To Be A Wonderful Kisser and Make Your Partner Beg For More <<

    KISS is a well known acronym for keep it simple simon (some say stupid - but that's not nice). In marketing the most effective strategy is often the simple one. Before you spend thousands of dollars on marketing services, shiny new computer programs and gurus who promise the stars, be sure that you have carefully evaluated the simple strategies that have been used to generate unlimited customers and millions of dollars.

    Have you ever heard of guerilla marketing strategies? You know, the marketing ideas that you can implement for little or no cost while reaching a large audience? I remember many years ago being in awe of the creator and teacher of this method. I thought it was just genius. Jay Conrad Levinson taught us to use common sense, every day encounters and basic messages to reach the masses.

    Simple but powerful marketing that got results.

    Since that time I have learned methods, tips and strategies from many of the great gurus of our time. Though these names may not be familiar, if you have an opportunity read articles or study the programs of Robert Middleton, Armand Morin, Yanik Silver or David Frey it would be time and money well spent - or should I say invested. These men have all contributed brilliant ideas and methodologies for building your client base while leveraging your money.

    To get started, here are a few ideas that any entrepreneur can implement:

    1) Write a press release - Here's an opportunity to introduce your company to a very large audience at no cost!

    2) Form a joint venture - Form a relationship with a company that services your target market. Example, if you are a landscaper, form a joint venture with a general contractor. If you own a daycare, form a relationship with the local uniform shop. One simple technique to jumpstarting this is to have your partner agree to write a letter to every client in his/her database recommending your services. Be sure to include a few testimonials in the letter and your contact information. You can tap into a brand new database of potential clients and do it with the endorsement of someone that they trust and all for the price of a stamp and stationary or time at the computer! Now that's leverage.

    3) Sponsor a local charity event - First, choose a charity that you personally would endorse. Then choose a method that would help promote the event to the community. Examples would be paying to have flyers printed, purchase door prizes, putting together a team of volunteers to help at the event and of course cash donations are always welcome. An idea that is often over looked is offering introductory discounts to the organizations supporters. In return, your business name and services can be listed as a sponsor on all of their marketing materials, given an opportunity to display banners or be recognized at public events, not to mention, you now have access to their supporters.

    4) Join your local chamber of commerce or networking organization - Members are inclined to patronize the services of other members

    5) Start a blog - this is not only an article by itself --- it's a series. But if we stick to the basics. Begin by visiting blogger (dot) com or Wordpress (dot) com.

    Remember, marketing isn't an exact science, what works for one business may not produce the same results for another business. The key is to be persistent, personable and passionate.

    Start your new year with a commitment to always KISS - before you invest.

    To your marketing success,

    The complete series on Big Business Strategies - Small Business Budgets with detailed steps on implementing each strategy will be posted at our blog

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    Friday, September 28, 2007

    The Easy Home Based Business KISS?

    88% Of People Do Not Know How To Kiss Their Partner.

    >>  Learn How To Be A Wonderful Kisser and Make Your Partner Beg For More <<

    We know that there really is not an easy home based business but what if we simplified ours and made it easier? There is an old abbreviated phrase called KISS. It stands for; "Keep it Simple Stupid!" I like the phrase a lot but the "Stupid" does not really apply to anyone in business. I would like to change the phrase to be more business oriented. I believe it should be called; "Keep it Simple and Straightforward."

    Keeping it simple and straightforward will help you to stay focused on your home based business. Do you have unnecessary people, software, electronics, accounting methods, or debt that is dragging your business down?

    When we are working on or in our home based business one thought that should be in the forefront of our minds is the word simple.

    Some Questions to Keep it Simple and Straightforward:

    * Can my business run without a lot of people?

    * Is the software that I use easy enough for anyone to learn?

    * Do I have the proper systems in place to allow the business to continue incase I become ill or disabled?

    * How easy and efficient are my marketing campaigns and tracking systems?

    * Is the accounting process fairly straightforward?

    * How can I simplify the sales process?

    * Do I have backups of all my vital home based business information?

    The questions above are to help you to step out of your home based business and look at it with a more discerning eye. I know how hard it is, and to make it easier I came up with a fairly easy way to look at your company from a birds eye view.

    To look at your home based business from a different view you first need to step out of the business. I find that the best way to do that is to take a day away from the business and use that day to visualize the daily activities, tasks and processes that make my business work.

    I evaluate all the various steps needed to acquire or perform sales, marketing, products, networking and accounting. I look at each phase of my business individually. I might as an example, take my sales process and break down each step from start to completion and see if it fits my KISS (Keep it Simple and Straightforward) concept.

    Then I will move on to each aspect of my business in the same fashion. I try not to forget the mundane or mechanical parts of the business even though they may slip by on some of my brainstorming sessions. Once you have completed your brainstorming sessions you may want to make priority lists as I mention in my article Time Management Tips. The priority lists will help you to stay focused and on the track to simplifying your home based business.

    You will be amazed at how many of your own home based business solutions you will come up with by using this concept. The more I look at all my procedures and processes the more I can fine tune them into becoming more simple, efficient, cost effective and profitable.

    The KISS method is always in the forefront of my mind when I think of how an easy home based business is supposed to be. Actually I am finding that an easy home based business might not be out of the question with this strategy!

    Paul Kopp is the Founder and CEO of Kopp Enterprises, Inc. Paul has been a Home Based Business owner for over 7 years. Currently he operates 2 online businesses and also is involved in numerous non internet related businesses. Paul created to give quality information and resources to start and run a home based business smoothly and profitably. He covers all the topics from A-Z for home based businesses. This article and others can be found at his Business Resource Center.

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    Are Resume Templates the "Kiss of Death"?

    88% Of People Do Not Know How To Kiss Their Partner.

    >>  Learn How To Be A Wonderful Kisser and Make Your Partner Beg For More <<

    The Resume/Curriculum Vitae market place is both a crowded and competitive one. I know this because it is a market of which I am a part.

    As a consumer, you may have observed the torrents of conflicting advice about how you should or should not proceed with your own Resume or Curriculum Vitae. I would not be surprised if you had either taken the decision to ignore all the advice and forge ahead with your own resources or conversely, found yourself paralysed by too much [mis]information.

    Reading the range of views it is clear that writers begin from a variety of perspectives, which may include;

    - Employers revile the use of Resume/CV templates as an inditement on the creativity of applicants
    - Employers despair on receiving Resumes and CV’s that exceed 2 pages (or whatever number is the current fashion).
    - The average job seeker does not have the competence to write their own Resume/CV and should hire a Consultant
    - Job seekers should use their own intuition and common-sense and don’t need any further guidance
    - The average job seeker needs a little help to stay up to date with current recruitment trends and terminology

    These are but a small sample of opinions available to you. Let’s take the first two perspectives on employer’s needs.

    An employer wants, first and foremost, a Resume that matches, as clearly and concisely as possible, an applicant’s training, knowledge, skills and experience to the requirements of the position for which they are recruiting. Do they really care whether you have paid a consultant hundreds of dollars, or used a professional and flexible Resume template that can be adapted to your needs? I think NOT! What the employer does not want is a flimsy and irrelevant document that is produced to “fit” recruitment fashions.

    Not exactly rocket-science, is it? Why then do professional Resume consultants/writers insist on the “one right way” approach to YOUR Resume or CV? Perhaps the reason is nothing more complicated than these same consultants and writers have only one way to offer. This perspective does not make sense, of course, given that the job market is a huge and infinitely variable beast. Your two-page Resume may be perfect for the retail position you seek, but grossly inadequate for the medical, science or teaching position you would love to win.

    Let us now consider the last 3 perspectives on job seekers. Are you a hopeless “career wreck” that cannot be trusted to write your own Resume or CV? Or are you a highly experienced and skilled writer that needs no further input? The fact that you are reading materials about Resume and CV development suggests to me that you are more likely to see yourself as competent and skilled, but in search of some refinements that will give you the edge. This is true of most aspiring applicants. One thing is certain - YOU will know far more about your profession or industry than 99% of the consultants wanting your business (including me!).

    This is where professional and flexible Resume/CV templates are invaluable. You don’t want a consultant to be making assumptions about the requirements of your industry or profession. You might however need a bit of helpful advice on the;

    - types of information that a good Resume/CV would include
    - use of positive language and appropriate self promotion techniques
    - layout and presentation of your Resume/CV to maximise the relevance and ease of reading

    This is why I offer my customers a guide book (“Write Yourself A Job!”) as well as a variety of Resume/CV templates and Covering Letters that can be adapted according to individual needs. They have served job seekers from many different sectors.

    Given that you are the expert on your own capacities and abilities, the use of a Resume/CV template may be ideal for your circumstance. Should you decide to proceed in this way what should you be looking for in Resume/CV templates? Ideally you will want

    - several templates from which to choose
    - templates which include plain text formats, capable of being uploaded onto web-based recruitment sites
    - template formats that have the flexibility to add or delete sections and headings
    - a final Resume/CV product that is well laid out, providing consistent and orderly information for the benefit of the reader
    - templates based on commonly-used software (for example, Microsoft Word, which can also be edited in the standard Windows “Wordpad” application)

    Don’t take the advice of any consultant or writer as gospel. Think about your own situation and needs. If a selection of templates will make your task simpler and enhance the presentation of your Resume or CV, why not use them?

    In summary, no one approach to Resume/CV writing will suit all job seekers or circumstances. Go with your instincts on the level of support you need. Why pay anyone for any level of service if you are highly skilled in marketing your own abilities? Don’t be afraid of using high-quality templates if you simply need to enhance your presentation. Or if you really do feel that you don’t have the competence to develop a winning Resume or CV, then by all means retain a Consultant to frame your Resume for you. Just make sure they understand the critical elements of your profession, industry and your own background before undertaking the task.

    Once you have an approach that is appropriate to your needs, build on it. Keep a “running record” of training, skills, knowledge, experience, research and other projects, memberships etc. This forms a database from which future Resumes or CV’s can be easily extracted.

    More useful articles and information can be found on In the meantime, happy job hunting!

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    Wednesday, September 26, 2007

    In France They Kiss on Main Street

    88% Of People Do Not Know How To Kiss Their Partner.

    >>  Learn How To Be A Wonderful Kisser and Make Your Partner Beg For More <<

    Whenever someone mentions France, I think of romance. Don’t you? I mean, how many countries that you know have a kiss named after it? I think of kissing in hidden spots in gardens, bicycling the beautiful countryside, munching croissants with café au lait, and beautiful couples walking arm-in-arm along a cobblestone street.

    France has an abundance of gardens. There is a wonderful web resource listing gardens all over France via an interactive map at There are photos with lush descriptions, as well as basics like what time the garden opens and what the fees are. Be sure to visit Giverny, the famous garden where Monet painted!

    Everyone knows that France is a beautiful place to take cycling tours. One web site where you can get started is There is a variety of tours from vineyards to castles, including beaches, mountains or rivers. And of course, Le Tour de France is one of the most famous bicycling events in the world.

    Croissants and coffee are one of my very favorite breakfasts. Oddly enough, it became so when I lived in Texas and frequented a little French café style restaurant called La Madeleine. If you can’t get to France this year, then try their wonderful French pastries, sandwiches and salads. gives locations in Texas, Louisiana, Georgia, New Mexico and Washington, DC.

    France has been on my mind this year because one of my editors, Leslie, lived in Paris for a month so that she and her fiancé could qualify to get married in Paris. Isn’t that romantic? My Rocket Man friend, Steve, proposed to his beautiful bride, Elizabeth, on one knee in Arles, France. The ring he placed on her finger was her own grandmother’s wedding ring, which Steve got from Elizabeth’s mother secretly before the trip. Yes, I believe France is just as romantic as they say it is. Love is still alive and well there! Can’t you feel it now?

    Clemente Mettarod loves to travel to her ancestral home in France. She enjoys American croissants and French restaurants, but admits there is something about the air in France that makes everything sweeter. You can read more articles about France at LTI France

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    Sunday, September 23, 2007

    Aromatherapy - Chocolate Kiss Lip Balm

    88% Of People Do Not Know How To Kiss Their Partner.

    >>  Learn How To Be A Wonderful Kisser and Make Your Partner Beg For More <<

    The Lip Balm & Repair Butter formula I am teaching you is an intensive, long wear balm and repair butter formulated to moisturize and heal your lips, as well as other sensitive skin areas, especially those exposed to the environment.

    BENEFITS of Chocolate Lip Balm!

    Use Chocolate Kiss to heal dry, chapped lips fast!

    May use Chocolate Kiss on dry, chapped or bruised skin to promote rapid healing.

    A proven beneficial treatment for cold sores use Chocolate Kiss to prevent and speed healing of cold sore outbreaks.

    Excellent for smoothing mouth wrinkles.

    COCOA EMPOWERMENT ~ Recent data from the United States Department of Agriculture indicates that cocoa powder and dark chocolate are highly concentrated sources of natural flavanols. In general the higher the cocoa content, the greater the antioxidant potential.

    Scientific studies show that naturally occurring flavanoid compounds from cocoa beans may deliver health benefits. Flavanoids act as antioxidants and are found in high concentrations in all plants.

    It takes 1-4 cups or more of plant matter to make 1 single drop of pure essential oil, making essential oils an extremely high antioxidant source.

    LIP BALM & REPAIR BUTTER RECIPE (Makes about 2 ounces)


    1 TBSP (HEAPING) BEES WAX – less makes your lip balm softer, more harder

    2 TBSP Semi-Sweet Dark Cocoa

    30-40 DROPS Pure Essential Oils - Recommend Peppermint and Lavender

    OPTIONAL: Add a few drops of vitamin E oil

    DIRECTIONS: Put the bees wax and semi-sweet dark cocoa into the pure light coconut oil and heat in a large glass measuring cup that sits inside of a large pot that’s been partially filled with water. Heat the pot of water on the stove until the bees wax and dark chocolate melts.

    Remove the measuring cup with melted beeswax, dark chocolate and coconut oil from the pan. Cool slightly before adding your Essential Oils and Optional Vitamin E oil. Gently stir the mixture with a sterile stainless steel spoon.

    Pour Chocolate Kiss Lip Balm into individual containers with lids and refrigerate. You may affix your own personalized label to each container after the balm has completely set. Long shelf life, keeps almost indefinitely!

    APPLICATION: Gently apply over your lips or other sensitive skin areas anytime. It won't build up.


    PLEASE NOTE: There are many cheap, synthetic copies of aromatic oils, but these are not recommended for therapeutic use. For best results purchase the highest quality oils you can possibly find. Use certified organic essential oils, or oils that have been tested and are pesticide free.

    Aromatherapy is a gentle and noninvasive complementary health care system used for balancing and synchronizing your body, mind, spirit and emotions to enhance your health. Properly administered essential oils are a natural, safe and effective way to enhance your health and well-being and can produce satisfying results where other methods have failed. Please consult with your physician regarding serious health concerns and do not attempt to self diagnose.

    KG Stiles is a certified aromatherapist practicing in Ashland, OR USA. PurePlant Essentials is her line of pure organic essential oils. Click to learn about & order: PURE LIGHT COCONUT OIL ~ 2 OZ & 4 OZ SIZE BOTTLES Click to learn about & order CERTIFIED ORGANIC PEPPERMINT PURE ESSENTIAL OIL Click to learn about & order ORGANIC HIGH ALTITUDE ITALIAN PURE ESSENTIAL OIL More Info? Contact: KG Stiles at Springhill Wellness Center, 2520 Springhill Drive Ashland, OR USA (541) 941-7315 Mahalo!

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    How To Handle Your First Kiss

    88% Of People Do Not Know How To Kiss Their Partner.

    >>  Learn How To Be A Wonderful Kisser and Make Your Partner Beg For More <<

    Before the kiss, and immediately after the kiss, is just as much a part of the kiss as your guy’s lips. Here are the basics for a mellow, yummy kiss. Before the Kiss try look at him but eye contact is not always easy. You’re nervous, you like him, maybe you’re even a little self-conscious about your lip gloss or your breath. Stop thinking for a few long seconds and just look at him. When you look into a guy’s eyes, you’re giving him the green light that you are into it.

    Whether standing or sitting, you want to angle yourself so that your body is toward him, not just your face. Keep your hands out of your pockets and arms unfolded. Avoid fidgety behavior, like twirling a strand of hair or, way worse, biting your nails. Relaxed, open body language can be a very effective non verbal invitation for him to lean in and smooch.

    Kiss him back. A kiss should not start with an instant open mouth. First contact is simply touching mouths, then responding slightly. Think of it as a peck, but in super-slow motion. Touch him with your hands. A girl can’t go wrong by placing one hand gently on the back of his neck, the other hand softly on the side of his face. Sure, there’s a lot to think about, but you can move your hands, too. Touch his hair, his ear, his shoulder…gently. If you’re really comfy with him, you can wrap your arms around his neck and pull yourself closer.

    Check out for more about getting kissing tips.

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    Saturday, September 22, 2007

    how do you french kiss

    88% Of People Do Not Know How To Kiss Their Partner.

    >>  Learn How To Be A Wonderful Kisser and Make Your Partner Beg For More <<

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    Thursday, September 20, 2007

    Four Ways to Kiss Stress Goodbye

    88% Of People Do Not Know How To Kiss Their Partner.

    >>  Learn How To Be A Wonderful Kisser and Make Your Partner Beg For More <<

    Who wants stress? I bet no one does. Everybody tries to avoid it. And, as for those who have it, they attempt to try everything in order to possibly help themselves escape from the fury of the headaches that usually comes with the S problem. What's sorta funny however, is the fact that most people stress themselves on their quest to get rid of stress itself! Well, in order to avoid such situation, here are some four simple ways that can spare a person from stress:

    a. Writing. Keeping a journal where you can write anything you want on whatever is happening around you can possibly help you relive stress. Writing in a journal allows you to fully express your emotions, and as a result, freeing yourself from the burden of keeping a thought or feeling all to yourself. It is also a great tool to know yourself better. Apart from that, it keeps you on track of your strengths and weaknesses, your daily development and challenges, and life's lessons. It also enhances your cognitive functioning.

    b. Walking. Walking is not just a left-right-left-right activity to strain the muscles of your feet and legs. Rather, it can serve as a way to temporarily get away from all the life stressors. Walking gives you a break from the busy life, while allowing you to explore the environment to which you belong to. Apart from, it generates your body's happy drugs - endorphins., while increasing your body's resistance and energy as well.

    c. Laughing. Many say that "Laughter is a good medicine". Well, this is in fact very true. Aside from the obvious reasons that laughter allows you to escape from the thoughts and feelings of sadness, anger or other negative activities, laughter has the power to lessen the level of stress hormones like adrenaline, cortisol, and dopamine in your body. It also heightens your level of health-enhancing hormones and anti-body producing cells. On top of it all, laughter serves as a way for emotional release, and it attracts friends who can possibly enhance your social life as well.

    d. Listening... to the music, that is. Just like writing and laughing, listening to the music allows you to get in touch with your real emotions. Apart from that, it helps you release those hidden feelings as well- may it be of guilt, remorse, or whatsoever dreaded feeling. Listening to the music, especially those of the upbeat and glee type, can also help you focus on positive aspects of your life instead of dwelling on terrible thoughts of being all alone. It can also generate self-talk and analysis.

    These days, life can usually get out of hand and stress can overcome your supposedly lively spirit. When that happens, remember a simple formula: W2L2= Stress Free.

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    Kiss (Keep It Smooth And Sexy)

    88% Of People Do Not Know How To Kiss Their Partner.

    >>  Learn How To Be A Wonderful Kisser and Make Your Partner Beg For More <<

    A kiss is one of the most beautiful things in a relationship. It is of the most intimate and romantic gesture of expressing love. How do you know which kisses are the best? The ones which leave you panting for more and are memorable are the best kisses.

    A kiss can tell you a lot about where the relationship is heading. If the woman is not enjoying the kiss or does not respond to the kiss is expressing lack of interest in the relationship. The same goes for the man. If the woman stumbles for breath and pulls out in panic, the man is to be blamed for lack of kissing skills.

    Stay in control while kissing your girl. The difference between an average kiss and a sensuous kiss is how you take the lead by keeping your hands on both sides of her face as you kiss her lips. It is better to cup your woman’s face in your palms while sharing the kiss. When you cup the face, you use the right amount of pressure of your mouth, as it focuses on her lips. Besides, the woman can feel the warmth of your skin. Give soft little bites on her ear lobes, and exhale air from your lips on her skin. The tiny puffs of air around her neck and ears could be chilling and sexy.

    To integrate new kissing techniques, look in the mirror and kiss your arm or hand. Practice by kissing on your wrist wit closed lips and then mimic the smooching action by gently opening your lips.

    V.S.ARUNRAJ believes that our sex life can be improved if we care enough to go back to our roots(ie, nature) and ingrain humor and love in our lives. There is a lot of unparalleled power in the natural cure for menopause if you care for your body. To learn about the secrets to great sex life for both men and women, Visit the blog which stirs you

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    Pucker Up For One Last Kiss

    88% Of People Do Not Know How To Kiss Their Partner.

    >>  Learn How To Be A Wonderful Kisser and Make Your Partner Beg For More <<

    To the winemaker, one of the most exciting things about wine is its ability to mold into all kinds of flavors: like a mad scientist who mixes the contents of test tubes, laughing arrogantly as he knows he‘s invented greatness, winemakers are able to make a product where no two types are alike. Wine is the snowflake of the alcohol world and winemakers are the snow clouds.

    It is this diversity that constantly gives wine drinkers a chance to sample new products. Recently, a sampling occurred with the introduction of One Last Kiss. Released by Creative Wine Concepts just in time for the holiday season, this wine appears to be what all of the connoisseurs are asking Santa for.

    A blend of Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, and Muscat, One Last Kiss is a dry white wine with hints of melon and orange. While it goes well with Asian food, fish, poultry, and pasta, many people may find that it also goes well simply with taste buds. Produced by the Scott Harvey family, One Last Kiss comes from the grapes of Napa Valley and Amador County. It’s the latest in a long line of wines known for utmost quality.

    One Last Kiss debuted on December 1st and 2nd of this year in Santa Monica. At an event hosted by Billion Dollar Babes, drinkers sampled the product, wine tasters gave their opinions, and, of course, wine bottles took a bow and waved to fans.

    This wine, like many of the wines produced by the Scott Harvey line, is aimed at a target audience. The audience sought for One Last Kiss is the new generation of female wine drinkers. Made specifically for the girls, many may find that the freshness, flavor, and lightness of this drink is the best thing since women’s suffrage: it has our vote.

    Jana Harvey developed One Last Kiss as a way to mirror the romantic conundrums of many Hollywood films such as Casablanca. Just a sip of it may leave a person wanting to drink it again, Sam. It contains the personality of many of the Harvey family creations and, unlike other wines, it is meant to be consumed immediately.

    One Last Kiss is currently available for purchase in Arizona, California, Florida, Iowa, Ohio and Wisconsin. It can also be purchased online at Buying just a bottle may leave every consumer of One Last Kiss puckering up for more.

    Jennifer Jordan is the senior editor at With a vast knowledge of wine etiquette, she writes articles on everything from how to hold a glass of wine to how to hold your hair back after too many glasses. Ultimately, she writes her articles with the intention that readers will remember wine is fun and each glass of anything fun should always be savored.

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    Wealth Creation – Kiss it or Say Goodbye!

    88% Of People Do Not Know How To Kiss Their Partner.

    >>  Learn How To Be A Wonderful Kisser and Make Your Partner Beg For More <<

    I never thought that I would find myself using the old Kiss cliché ("Keep it Short and Simple" or “Keep it Simple Stupid). I’ve always preferred Einstein’s approach, "Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler."

    Yet wealth creating is simple. Incredibly and utterly simple. When creating wealth becomes complicated it’s time to stop and take measure. It’s clearly time to get back on the track of simplicity before one gets derailed. Wealth creating is not about “running a business” “making money” “investing” “earning an income” “having a great job” and the like. Far too complicated and time consuming for the serious wealth creator. There are, as you know, tens of thousands of books written on those subjects and guess what? The great majority of people still struggle financially through life. We all know of couples who have “great jobs” and are earning “high incomes” and making “heaps of money” yet still struggle to make ends meet at the end of each month. Commitments and expenses seem to sadistically expand to the level of the money available to meet them.

    And of course we all know of people who were on very low incomes who end up fabulously wealthy.

    So by all means keep at your job or business and retain the status quo – but quite separately, begin your new part time wealth creation program ASAP.

    One of the biggest hurdles is that people at some level have the desire to be wealthy but do not know exactly what “wealth creation” is. Those whose real estate or investments rose in value, know that they are “wealthier” but see the obvious element of luck in the fact that prices rose opportunistically. Others coming into the same market, are “on a wing and a prayer” hoping that prices will continue to rise so they too can benefit.

    Without knowing precisely what wealth creation is, it is impossible to become “wealth” conscious.

    So let’s get Wealth Creation in focus and keep it simple.

    Please consider:

    A business has a gross annual income and from that total pays all overheads. From the net income or profit (if any) tax is payable. Now the amount that is left, can either be used to create wealth - or it can be spent on non-wealth creating products or services - for example, spending the surplus on a vacation etc.

    Similarly a working couple has a combined gross annual income and from that total pays all domestic overheads. Now the amount that is left, can either be used to create wealth - or it can be spent on non-wealth creating products or services - for example, spending the surplus on a vacation etc.

    So you can readily observe from the above two examples that there is a difference between “business” and wealth creation and “income” and wealth creation.

    Wealth, put simply, is the total realizable value of one’s total material assets. That is if you have antiques worth $10,000.00 or gold worth $10,000.00 or acme widgets worth $10,000.00, your wealth is $10,000.00. Obvious and simple, yes? It’s so simple it’s a no-brainer!

    Wealth Creation is NOW whilst investing is about planning (and praying) for the future. A wealth creator wants to multiply the value of his or her realizable wealth total NOW!

    That is, if those antiques or widgets are genuinely worth $10,000.00 the wealth creator will buy them at $5,000.00 or less. At the point of purchase, at least $5,000.00 is added to the wealth total. Unlike the speculator or the investor, a Wealth Creator does not buy on the hope or the gamble that the purchase will rise in value. “Yikes - no way! Keep it simple – the golden rainbow of tomorrow may not come. I want my added wealth now – the minute I pay I intend being wealthier. Let others get their crystal ball out and start praying.”

    Note that:

    A wealth creator spends money and becomes wealthier.

    The average punter spends money and becomes poorer.

    The speculator gambles.

    The investor hopes and prays.

    Who of the above has the most fun?

    And having fun is part of wealth creation. For example, Bob and June, part time wealth creators in England, keep in touch with me regularly. After reading my book, they used the money they each spend on each other as Christmas and birthday gifts to begin their wealth program. Instead of buying each other a present for $100.00 and knowing that as soon as they leave the shop the value of that present is probably about $30.00 maximum and thereafter declines in value to become a worthless keepsake, they became wealth conscious. He loves early watercolors and she collects estate jewellery. So off to the auctions and sales they went. Once they became wealth conscious and in a wealth program, when they spend that $100.00 on an item, the item is usually worth $300.00.

    They’ve been at it now for four and a half years. The two birthday and two Christmas presents added up. They buy and sell when ever possible. Today they have art and jewellery worth tens of thousands of pounds and their wealth total is going up at an astronomical rate. Even more important they have immense fun in the process.

    Business proprietors have every right to have all the hassles of working hard, paying the overheads and hopefully making a profit. The wealth creator takes a short cut through the whole tedious process and goes straight for the jugular – WEALTH CREATION.

    To a wealth creator liquidating a part of one’s wealth gives the opportunity to increase the overall wealth total. In stark contrast, the business proprietor needs turnover to pay the overheads.

    How ever much money you have available for your part time wealth program, two points are clearly obvious. (1) Your money is always limited - so you can afford to be extremely choosy. And (2) because you are always multiplying your wealth by at least 100%, it doesn’t matter how little you have to start with.

    Multiply $20 in wealth only 15 times and you are up around the $250,000.00 mark. After that the sky is the limit.

    That is why a single wage family following a wealth program and who are able to live within their means, can end up far wealthier than a multiple large income family.

    So it’s your decision – when it comes to wealth creation - Kiss it or Say Goodbye!

    Charles Goodwin is the author of the highly rated book “The Secrets Of Wealth Creation Revealed” (available as a paperback or e-book.) Read more free articles by Charles Goodwin at or his Blog “The Esoteric Charles Goodwin” at

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    Wednesday, September 19, 2007

    French Kiss Atlanta

    88% Of People Do Not Know How To Kiss Their Partner.

    >>  Learn How To Be A Wonderful Kisser and Make Your Partner Beg For More <<

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    Monday, September 17, 2007

    The Hershey Kiss Pick Up Technique

    88% Of People Do Not Know How To Kiss Their Partner.

    >>  Learn How To Be A Wonderful Kisser and Make Your Partner Beg For More <<

    Here's a great tip that I found on another website. In a brief article, the author described a great pick-up technique which virtually guarantees you won't be turned down.

    It works like this...

    First you go to a grocery store and purchase a bag of Hershey Kisses. Make sure you buy two different types of bags. Ie: Chocolate, swirl, almond, etc. Then make sure you carry these Hershey Kisses with you everywhere you go. (Obviously replacing the ones that melt)

    Then when you spot an attractive woman, you walk up to her with one Hershey Kiss in each of your hand. Approach her with a big confident smile and tell her "When I see a beautiful woman, I always have to give her a kiss..." Then hold out both of your hands and say "Which do you prefer, chocolate or swirl?"

    While it's a bit of goofy way to approach somebody, you'll probably get her to smile and laugh. It's also provides a low pressure way to start talking without resorting to corny pick up lines which NEVER work on women.

    Normally I don't recommend any pick-up technique which is cheesy or lower status. But this one seems to actually be pretty effective. You just have to have a good opener to follow once you use this approach technique.

    Also it's definitely unique and some women will find it pretty cute. The key to doing this is to target a woman who doesn't look too preoccupied and looks like she wants to be approached.

    So if you're having trouble with approaching women, try using the "Hershey Kiss" pick up technique.

    Want to learn 50 different ways for meeting, approaching and attracting women? If so, take a look at Scott Patterson's Free eBook which provides 50 tips for instant dating success.

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    Sunday, September 16, 2007

    How To Get Boys To Kiss You

    88% Of People Do Not Know How To Kiss Their Partner.

    >>  Learn How To Be A Wonderful Kisser and Make Your Partner Beg For More <<

    The first kiss is the hardest. You could ask him to kiss you, but that takes a lot of courage. But you can tell, without reading his mind. Here are some clues. He could have worked on the science project with someone else, but he asked you or he could have sat anywhere in the cafeteria, but he sat next to you. It all means he likes to hang out with you. And what about when you're with him. Does he sit close to you? Does he smile and look happy when you're together? These are all signs that he likes you and might want to kiss you.

    Sometimes people who are nervous send out mixed signals. You might want him to kiss you, but your nervous behavior might be saying "stay away." First of all your posture should be open. Sit or stand close to him. Face him. Look at him, not at the ground. Don't cross your arms or lean away; or, instead of "kiss me" you'll be saying "kiss off!"

    Look into his eyes. Smile. Get close to him. If you're not holding hands yet, do it. Ask him to help you remove an earring, or undo the clasp of that gold chain you're wearing. To do that he's got to put both hands on your neck. Now turn your head, and look in his eyes, and be quiet. Smile. If he says anything, just interrupt and whisper his name softly. He'll kiss you for sure!

    Check out for more about getting kissing tips.

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    Friday, September 14, 2007

    Kiss the Ring: Hierarchy Matters

    88% Of People Do Not Know How To Kiss Their Partner.

    >>  Learn How To Be A Wonderful Kisser and Make Your Partner Beg For More <<

    Someone once asked a Washington insider how to deal with important people whom you can’t stand. His reply? “You put on your respectful face and you don’t blink.” This strategy is known in business circles as “kissing the ring.” Its origins lie in a much earlier era, when royalty and clerics wore rings of office denoting their status. Bowing your head as you kissed their rings was how you showed respect for their office, while not necessarily feeling that sentiment towards the characters themselves.

    Why go to the trouble to show deference to someone you don’t personally like or respect? In the cut and thrust world of business, as in the political sphere, it’s all about survival. Or, to look at it more positively, enlightened self-interest. Like it or not, the business world is structured by a strong sense of hierarchy. Why else would we be so fixated on gaining promotions and better titles? Those high up can have a significant impact upon your reputation and career: positive if they like you and see you playing by the rules, negative if they feel slighted by you in some way. Showing them the appropriate respect helps keep your career path obstacle free.

    “Kissing the ring” might mean responding in a neutral to positive way when someone important says something off base in a meeting. Or staying positive with your boss when he or she doesn’t understand what you’re trying to do or say. However irritated or amazed you feel, keep your facial expression kind and free of negativity, a kind of poker face. It’s worth practicing this in front of the mirror so that it’s ready to put on when you need it.

    “Kissing the ring” doesn’t mean being sycophantic though. It’s just about treading carefully around egos. There’s nothing wrong with telling a senior person that you think there might be a better way of doing things, but just make sure that you think strategically and don’t react there and then, especially if there are others present. If you are genuinely concerned about something you might want to bring it up in private in a neutral way but not make a big deal out of it. You do this by talking about it in a low-key way, tactfully introducing your point by saying, “By the way, what do you think of…” or, “Is there is a case to be made for this other point of view?”

    Are there “don’t kiss the ring” moments too? You bet. As soon as anything looks the slightest bit immoral or illegal you need to stop and think. Don’t jump to conclusions, but once you’ve confirmed that something improper is up, do everything you can to extricate yourself from the situation before you get into trouble. If, for example, your company requires that the highest level person at a dinner should pick up the expenses then you might hesitate before paying for something so that your boss doesn’t have to put it on his or her expense report. While illegality is something that you should always report, without exception. There are ex-employees of Enron or Health South, currently in jail, who probably wish they had spoken up, or even left their jobs, rather than keeping mum.

    “Kissing the ring” is one of a repertoire of respectful behaviors that will serve you in good stead with high ranking people. At some point in your career you will have to suck in your gut and show deference to a senior person whom you can’t stand. Be prepared for it.

    Dr. Karen Otazo is a global executive coach and thinking partner for multinational companies worldwide. She has more than twenty-five years of experience working with clients in the United States, China, Indonesia, Hong Kong, the United Kingdom, Europe, and Singapore. She earned a doctorate in Human Resources Development from the University of Northern Colorado, and holds masters and bachelors degrees in linguistics from City University of New York. Otazo is fluent in English, Spanish, French, Indonesian, and Mandarin Chinese. See more about Karen at

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    Thursday, September 13, 2007

    Nutrition and the 'KISS' Principle

    88% Of People Do Not Know How To Kiss Their Partner.

    >>  Learn How To Be A Wonderful Kisser and Make Your Partner Beg For More <<

    The following article is an edited excerpt that I have picked from the writings of Professor Edmond Bordeaux Szekely.

    Prof Szekely was probably the most influential person in the life of Mr. Kenneth S. Jaffrey, the author of over 25 books on Natural Living and Natural Healing.

    On matters of diet and nutrition, Prof. Szekely was a ‘No Nonsense’ kind of person.

    Professor Szekely quantified diet.

    He reasoned, scientifically, that the optimal diet that sustains the human physiology could be presented in the following categories.

    Category I

    Raw Juicy Fruits

    • These are the richest in vitalizing properties.

    • In this pure form it contains in perfect synthesis the unified cosmovital radiations of the four elements: sun, air, earth, water.

    • The foods of this category are the best conservers of perennial youth.

    • They are the ideal food for the intellectual and sedentary worker and ideal for everyone during warm seasons and in warm climates.

    Ed Note:

    - Some fruits, like the pawpaw will grow, ripen and mature over a period of 9 months – that’s a lot solar radiations stored up in ‘them thar fruits.’

    - Fruits are filled with waters – waters that carry the vital elements needed to produce the chemical reactions necessary for life and all its functions.

    - Only at the table of fruits will your palate be truly satisfied.

    - If you haven’t been seduced by the texture, the colour and the myriad of tastes sensations that arise from over the hundreds of different types available – well, you haven’t lived yet.

    Category II

    Salads and Raw Vegetables

    • These complement Category I, corresponding likewise to the liquid content of the human organism.

    • (Ed Note: These foods should be eaten in their full compliment – from the leaf, fruit and root variety.)

    • It will also be realized that vegetables reach their potential quicker than their counterpart – fruits – and therefore absorb fewer radiations – those life-giving elements that constitute the basis of life.

    Category III


    • These consist not of eliminative, but of building foods.

    • They are chiefly muscle builders, while their organic minerals contribute to the formation of the bones.

    • They are an excellent food, particularly for manual labourers and sportsmen and for all in general in cold seasons and climates.

    • Through muscular activity they are transformed into muscle; through inactivity they become fatty tissue; taken in larger amounts than necessary they scorify the organism.

    • This category is the only one which it is permissible to use either raw or cooked.

    • To minimize and shorten the cooking of all cereals they should be soaked in water before cooking.

    Category IV

    Dried, sweet and oily fruits, milk products, eggs.

    • These contain the most concentrated and heat-producing and exceptionally nourishing foods.

    • In larger amounts than required, they hinder the process of elimination and create fatty tissue in the organism.

    • They are excellent in cold seasons and climates, and for hard manual labourers in whose organisms they are transformed into muscle fibre.

    • Sedentary and intellectual workers need very little of them, and much less during warm seasons and in warm climates than in cold.

    Category V

    Cooked vegetables

    • These have no therapeutic value.

    • The foods listed in it cause no elimination, but contribute only building elements of an inferior character, as most of them have to be cooked.

    • Considering that these vegetable products are not particularly toxic, and as a compromise for persons with unmanageable appetites it is permissible, but not recommended, to eat them once a week.

    • They are not so disadvantageous to manual labourers as to sedentary and intellectual workers.

    • The dry legumes (pulses) should only be used rarely, as their constant use greatly scorifies the organism.

    I hope that this article stimulates you into further discussion (both internal and external) regarding the building blocks of your health.

    Kevin Hinton has been teaching the art of Natural Living and Natural Healing for over 25 years. He is recognized as one of Australia's leading health educators. For more information on how to improve your health - go to: and while there, sign up for your free world class health newsletter.

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    Be Careful For Whom You Kiss

    88% Of People Do Not Know How To Kiss Their Partner.

    >>  Learn How To Be A Wonderful Kisser and Make Your Partner Beg For More <<

    Worldwide, there are billions of kisses exchanged between people every year. The casual pecks on the cheek, the California air-kiss, or the cultured kiss on the hand aren't much of a threat. However, a kiss that exchanges saliva from one to another is an entirely different matter. Saliva carries microorganisms, bacteria and viruses. You've probably heard the mouth is the dirtiest place in the body: a human bite has more bacteria and is more dangerous than a dog bite, according to the Center for Disease Control. The CDC also preaches that hand washing is "the single most effective way to prevent the transmission of disease". However, they don't talk much about kissing. None of us likes to think that something we enjoy so much could be hazardous to our health.

    Unlike ordinary dirt, the hitch with germs is that they are invisible. Most of them are so small they can only be seen through a microscope. Their diminutive size, however, doesn't reduce their threat. Many different types of bacteria, like Strep Mutans, the bugs responsible for cavities, can be transferred from one mouth to another through kissing. Other organisms, like viruses, parasites, and yeasts, can be passed along as well.

    Since gum diseases are the equivalent of open wounds, kissing or having oral sex when you or your partner has bleeding gums, is a real invitation for transmission of unwanted organisms. Be careful: keep your mouth as healthy and germ-free as possible every day. Make sure your partner takes preventive actions too, so you can both enjoy those intimate smooches.

    Check out for more about getting kissing tips.

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    Wednesday, September 12, 2007

    Smoking Smells: Kiss Them Goodbye

    88% Of People Do Not Know How To Kiss Their Partner.

    >>  Learn How To Be A Wonderful Kisser and Make Your Partner Beg For More <<

    Smoking odors can cling like a nagging mistress long after you have decided to call it quits. You may have forgotten how it was like to have your daily cigarette puffs, but you better make sure that your clothing, your upholstery, and your entire environment supports that cool change you have made for yourself. There is nothing more thoroughly defeating than being able to overcome the nasty habit but not being able to eliminate the smell of smoking in your life.

    Eliminate smell of smoking in many ways, but make sure that you get to work at it consistently until much of the odor decides to move on and kiss your belongings and surroundings goodbye. There are natural as well as chemical alternatives to eliminate smell of smoking in your home. You can even use both if you are that motivated to eliminate the smell of smoking as soon as possible, but just make sure that the objects you will be using are compatible with each other.

    The more obvious way to eliminate smell of smoking is by kicking that nasty habit and not returning to it. The odor will only persist if you continue to perpetuate smoking in your life. Making sure you do not take another puff is not just a good lifestyle decision, but it also marks the beginning of your effort to eliminate smell of smoking in your home. If possible, you may also ward off visitors who can be potential threats to this goal to eliminate smell of smoking in your room or things.

    Another thing you must understand as you eliminate smell of smoking is that it takes quite a time before your efforts get vindicated. You might be required to do consistent general housecleaning, scrubbing and wiping for a year before the odor wears off and changes into something more pleasant. Cleaning all conceivable surfaces in your target area will start to eliminate smell of smoking on your things. As for the case of your clothing, a strong detergent which you can faithfully use for a considerable period of time might do just the trick. Repainting jobs and sealing open spaces within the home with a powerful sealant may also keep the nasty smoking odor from seeping through.

    Other parts of your area, be it an office or home, requires professional services such as sanitizing and deodorizing. Price ranges vary over the type of material being stripped of nasty smoke odor. Eliminate smell of smoking in upholstery through this means. There are clearly some things which will require intervention from more powerful outside sources. This, together with your own efforts to keep it all clean, will have that nasty smoking odor bolting for the nearest exit. Some anti-smoking odor deodorants are for sale and come with detailed and user-friendly instruction manuals, and are cheaper than employing professional services. But this requires more caution. Either way, you must be able to work and spend for it consistently before you see your home or office and wardrobe free of the smoking habit.

    Visit us or share your opinions at the worlds best homepage or free content resource.Do you want to quit smoking? Visit Smokefree England for further information.

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    Kiss Dial Up Goodbye and Go Broadband

    88% Of People Do Not Know How To Kiss Their Partner.

    >>  Learn How To Be A Wonderful Kisser and Make Your Partner Beg For More <<

    Say, you aren't still accessing the Internet through an old fashioned dial-up service are you? If you are, you most certainly have our sympathies. So much so, that we'd like to introduce you to Broadband Internet.

    Broadband Internet has been around for the last 7-10 years or so, and basically offers faster Internet access to web cam imagery, streaming video and audio, and everything else that you essentially wished you could access with a dial-up connection. Referred to as high speed internet, DSL, or cable modem, a broadband internet connection is four times faster than your current networking configuration, and the term "broadband" can be applied to any connection transferring at least 256 kilobits of data per second. No dial-up connection could ever match that speed regardless of how much you tweak your registry, or the number of times that you clear your cache!

    Some people are resistant to new technology and declare that they'll stick to their archaic connection no matter what. "After all, I really only use my computer to download email," they say. This may be true, but if you're like most of us, you get email with attachments - attachments so large that they could take up to 3 or 4 hours to download with dial-up internet access.

    With broadband Internet however, you can download hour-long video attachments within minutes, forward that video to a friend and download another one just like it large enough to fill an entire CD!

    It would be easy to claim that videos aren't your interest and that they just aren't part of your everyday Internet itinerary. But with today's technology, more and more of us are formatting important information (like the local, national, and international news) in formats that demand additional power. Whether that format is a video, streaming audio, or a downloadable executable, you've got to be able to meet that demand with the proper equipment if you want stay informed within a reasonable amount of time.

    Visit Cheap Broadband Providers & Broadband Internet guide to get high speed today!

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    Tuesday, September 11, 2007

    Kiss the T.O.A.D. for Sales Effectiveness

    88% Of People Do Not Know How To Kiss Their Partner.

    >>  Learn How To Be A Wonderful Kisser and Make Your Partner Beg For More <<

    There is a fairy tale told about the Princess who kisses a FROG. An ugly FROG. In fact, it was so ugly, most people believe it was really a TOAD. The fairy tale explains that once the Princess kisses the TOAD he turns into a Prince because her kiss breaks the spell of an evil witch.

    So, what does kissing the toad have to do with Sales Effectiveness?

    Kissing the T.O.A.D. is the cornerstone to improved sales effectiveness because T.O.A.D. stands for:





    This is a discussion that must occur monthly and focuses on targeted account growth and territory success.

    Management may refer to these meetings as a monthly performance review, but they are not individual performance reviews. They are a review of territory performance based on objective performance metrics only. These meetings must be considered by both management and the territory salesperson as Territory Opportunity Action-planning Discussions because that is exactly what they are.

    The T.O.A.D. is the most important component of improved sales effectiveness. Critical performance issues are discussed during the T.O.A.D. It provides the forum for Sales Management and the Territory Manager to discuss, plan, and measure success. These discussions introduce accountability and identify opportunities for improvements with action planning specific to each objective. It is the Sales Manager’s job to not simply participate in this process, but to use these opportunities to coach, counsel, and correct issues regarding performance. If conducted properly, the T.O.A.D. process will become an effective tool in improving both the Sales Manager’s and Territory Manager’s performances.

    The only purpose of the monthly T.O.A.D. is to improve territory performance. T.O.A.D. should not include any activities that do not directly support this goal. If the Territory Manager does not find the review helpful, it has not served its purpose.

    These sessions are not intended to be disciplinary in nature. They support rather than replace the existing annual performance appraisals. Remember, you are primarily reviewing territory performance, not individual performance, although the two are obviously linked.

    How Important is the T.O.A.D.?

    All companies are in constant need of aggressive, creative and resourceful salespeople to have their products specified, accepted and used by customers. Without informed and capable field salespeople, no distributorship could hope to compete in the marketplace today.

    But how often have any of us stopped to consider the fact that good salespeople, the kind who can help a company really grow, don’t just happen to come along by chance or fate? There is no such thing as a “born salesperson,” because selling ability is much more than an intangible given that a person either has or does not have.

    Granted, selling does require certain attributes in a person. He or she should, for example, be basically outgoing in manner and capable of making a genuinely favorable impression almost immediately. Also, the person must be intelligent, able to grasp ideas and details easily, retain them and recall them for use whenever necessary in selling situations. These factors and many others relating to personal and emotional characteristics are contributing elements in the makeup of the successful salesperson.

    But are these characteristics all that are required to make a successful territory manager? Obviously they are not. A salesperson must have adequate tools, resources and leadership to maximize his or her effectiveness. That is why you should kiss the T.O.A.D. That is why the T.O.A.D. is so vital. It provides the support and the resources to ensure each salesperson has the opportunity to maximize his or her personal effectiveness.

    Have You Kissed The T.O.A.D. Lately?

    The monthly T.O.A.D. is the platform for sales effectiveness. It is vital that the T.O.A.D. follows a structured process. This is not because there is a single, best way to approach a T.O.A.D., but because the discussion needs to minimize subjective, personal issues and maximize creative thinking and the free flow of information. The T.O.A.D. reduces subjectivity by using clear, objective measurements and by making all commitments between the Territory Manager and the Sales Manager explicit rather than implicit.

    To kiss the T.O.A.D., you must show respect.

    Creating Enthusiasm and Mutual Respect

    Establishing intent is critical. This is not a session for reprimand or criticism. The Sales Manager should ask if he or she truly has the desire to:

    • Increase Territory Managers’ incentives

    • Help them achieve preset objectives

    • Help them improve performance

    • Remove obstacles and provide resources and support

    This is the only way to get the respect necessary for the T.O.A.D.

    A generally positive attitude is necessary to promote the maximum and optimum use of knowledge and skills in the selling situation. Such an attitude is also critical to the dynamic of the T.O.A.D. If the majority of your selling force is not receptive toward change at the start, very little can be done to create an atmosphere conducive to success. This attitude problem must be corrected before another step is taken.

    There are a number of fundamental steps that can be taken to improve attitude. Some of these are:

    • Demonstrate your respect for the Territory Manager by listening first.

    • Constantly communicate the value of improved sales effectiveness and demonstrate your commitment through 100% participation and support.

    • Create enthusiasm by displaying enthusiasm. (Enthusiasm is contagious!)

    • Focus your time with the Territory Manager on coaching and mentoring.

    • Display leadership characteristics by making sure the Territory Manager has a thorough understanding of targeting, goal setting and action planning.

    Preparing to Kiss the T.O.A.D.

    The Territory Manager should prepare for the T.O.A.D. ahead of time by reviewing action plans and objectives for target accounts, checking the commitments made, and defining the support necessary from management. A quick checklist of what went right and what went wrong for each objective will prove very helpful to the T.O.A.D.

    The Sales Manager should prepare for the T.O.A.D. by studying the Territory Manager’s monthly and year-to-date sales and profit numbers, and making note of any performance that is above expectations as well as any performance that is below expectations. He should also review his notes from the prior T.O.A.D. for the mutual commitments made and any supplemental territory performance information to be checked. Preparing questions on each specific numeric measurement may be helpful. The Sales Manager should write down specific goals for the T.O.A.D. (what he or she hopes to accomplish) and create a brief agenda. Depending on the situation, he or she may want to forward the agenda and any preparatory information or questions to the representative a few days before the session.

    The Actual Act of Kissing the T.O.A.D.

    The T.O.A.D. should maximize the participation of the Territory Manager. After all, if he or she does not find the session helpful, it is a waste of time. As much time as possible should be devoted to realizing this goal. Strong Territory Manager participation in the session is one of the most effective methods of developing both an attitude for learning and a desire for successful accomplishment of goals and objectives.

    The structure of the T.O.A.D. should follow the diagram below. Remember, you are trying to minimize subjective content and maximize coaching, mentoring and support.

    Objectively Assess Performance

    A primary source of performance measurement is the scorecard. If you don’t have one, create one. A scorecard is nothing more than a summary of actual performance against identified targets and the objectives set for those targets. The T.O.A.D. should generally begin with a quick look at each measurement, along with the trends the numbers indicate.

    Next, progress on action plans for each target account should be checked. If action plan tasks are being completed but the corresponding growth of the account is sub par, the Sales Manager and Territory Manager should discuss the reasons and consider changes to the plan and/or account goals. If the Territory Manager is consistently failing to complete action items on time, a discussion about time management may be warranted.

    The Territory Manager and Sales Manager should also verify that the specific commitments made at prior T.O.A.D. sessions have been fulfilled. It is critical that, after kissing the T.O.A.D., both the Territory Manager and the Sales Manager have a clear, shared understanding of territory performance.

    Coach, Mentor and Support

    The bulk of the time with the T.O.A.D. should be spent on these activities. The Sales Manager should generally approach the T.O.A.D. by listening to the Territory Manager. Where is he or she having problems? What resources does he or she need? Where are his or her key skill and knowledge gaps? How is his or her attitude? Does he or she understand the targeting process and other sales effectiveness concepts?

    Items to consider include:

    • Improving the Territory Manager’s time management

    • Improving the Territory Manager’s use of team-based selling

    • Modifying target account goals and action plans

    • Providing key resources such as training

    • What you, as the Sales Manager, could do better or different to support the Territory Manager

    • Understanding the reasons behind a bad attitude or lack of enthusiasm

    If you would like to request a free Territory Opportunity Action-planning Discussion checklist, please email

    Agree on New Commitments

    When you have finished kissing the T.O.A.D., the Territory Manager and Sales Manager should write down each commitment that both have made to each other. By recording them, you are ensuring that they are explicit rather than assumed and that both of you are in full agreement. Verify any change in the action plans. Reassure the Territory Manager of your support.

    Pucker Up

    The Territory Opportunity Action-planning Discussion (T.O.A.D.) can be as powerful as the kiss of the princess that turned the Toad into a Prince. It can be the cornerstone of sales effectiveness that maximizes revenue, improves profitability and increases market share for your company.

    So, even though some may think fairy tales are for kids, don’t be afraid to Kiss the TOAD. It may be the first step to maximizing sales success in your organization.

    Dr. Eric “Rick” Johnson ( is the founder of CEO Strategist LLC. an experienced based firm specializing in Distribution. CEO Strategist LLC. works in an advisory capacity with distributor executives in board representation, executive coaching, team coaching and education and training to make the changes necessary to create or maintain competitive advantage. You can contact them by calling 352-750-0868, or visit for more information.

    Rick received an MBA from Keller Graduate School in Chicago, Illinois and a Bachelor's degree in Operations Management from Capital University, Columbus Ohio. Rick recently completed his dissertation on Strategic Leadership and received his Ph.D. He’s also a published book author with four titles to his credit: “The Toolkit for Improved Business Performance in Wholesale Distribution,” the NWFA & NAFCD “Roadmap”, Lone Wolf-Lead Wolf—The Evolution of Sales” and a fiction novel about teenagers called “Shattered Innocence.”

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    88% Of People Do Not Know How To Kiss Their Partner.

    >>  Learn How To Be A Wonderful Kisser and Make Your Partner Beg For More <<

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    Sunday, September 9, 2007

    Is Email A Handshake Instead of a Kiss?

    88% Of People Do Not Know How To Kiss Their Partner.

    >>  Learn How To Be A Wonderful Kisser and Make Your Partner Beg For More <<

    Choose your sales tools carefully; very, very carefully.

    This especially applies when someone sends you an inquiry via email and she requests a conversation.

    If you see the words, “I can be reached at…” and a phone number follows, I advise you to call her promptly, without hesitation or delay.

    Don’t be lazy, and don’t use the tool you prefer; the one she selected for her initial contact: email.

    If she wanted an email, she wouldn’t have bothered inscribing her number, and embedding it into the text of her message. She would have assumed you’d reply by email.

    I’ve broken this unwritten rule, and that’s actually how I discovered it was a gaffe.

    Whenever I would respond to a request for a call, made by email, with another email, I wouldn’t earn the business of the inquirer.

    It worked almost like a negative recipe: Leave this ingredient out and your dough won’t rise, or the dough in your bank account, either!

    By requesting a conversation the inquirer is inviting greater intimacy with you, and to substitute a more stand-offish medium, such as email, is the equivalent of offering a handshake when someone wants a kiss.

    Do the right thing, defer to their wishes, and you’ll be on your way to business bliss!

    Best-selling author of 12 books and more than 800 articles, Dr. Gary S. Goodman is considered a foremost expert in telephone effectiveness, customer service, and sales development. A top-rated speaker, seminar leader, and consultant, his clients extend across the organizational spectrum, from the Fortune 1000 to small businesses. He can be reached at:

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    Friday, September 7, 2007

    Going For The Kiss

    88% Of People Do Not Know How To Kiss Their Partner.

    >>  Learn How To Be A Wonderful Kisser and Make Your Partner Beg For More <<

    Today we cover a particularly sensitive topic – how to go for the kiss. Most guys won’t admit it, but they fumble this moment like a rookie running back. Want to be Walter Payton? Listen up:

    First of all, don’t worry – this is by far the TOP question I get from guys. “How do I smoothly go from talking to kissing?” Surprisingly, even the most skilled guys I’ve come across are constantly looking to handle this tricky situation a bit better.

    Here we go – the step-by-step guide to being super smooth when it’s time to smootch:

    In my estimation, this is where most guys blow it. They know the girl is ready to be kissed, yet they freeze up and pass a bunch of good opportunities to make a move, waiting for that perfect one. Even worse, they’ll wait hoping the woman will make the first move.

    If you’re the kind of guy who hesitates, I got news for you… There are no perfect windows of opportunity, just many good ones, and 99% of the time she will not be the first to initiate any form of intimacy. If she does, consider yourself lucky.

    How do we handle this slightly awkward situation? Very simply. The key here is spotting these good, small windows of opportunity and then taking advantage of them. Still better is to just create these windows yourself.

    Let’s cover this point-by-point:

    1) The first thing to make sure of is that you’re both having a good time, getting along well and physical contact has been established. It could be anything from holding hands, to a playful push on the shoulder. At this point it is important that she has touched you in some way indicating interest on her part.

    2) When you feel you have reached this point, start slowing down the energy of the interaction. Start subtly moving a bit closer to her, slowing down your speech, and take longer pauses between sentences. The thought here is SUBTLE.

    3) Now here’s the secret, the one move that will assure you to be remembered by her as the smoothest guy ever… During each of those pauses in your conversation, stare at her lips. You can even start talking again, though slowly, still staring at her lips. Start slowly moving in closer. The words you’re saying at this point become irrelevant; the sexual tension in the air will be too thick.

    4) Slowly move your eyes from her mouth to her eyes and back again. If she has not moved away, or shown any sign of unease, you can place a hand on her hip and bring her in closer.

    5) Usually she will lean in the rest of the way and kiss you. After all, at this stage, your lips should only be an inch or two away from hers.

    Congratulations! In her mind, you are the world’s smoothest man.

    If you have questions that you feel would be appropriate for our mailbag, send me an email:

    Often, your question is on the minds of many guys. So, go ahead and ask it! Also, as you might imagine, I get a lot of emails. When you send me your question, please put “Mailbag” in the subject line.


    Stephen Nash
    Cutting Edge Image Consulting

    Stephen Nash of Cutting Edge Image Consulting (CEIC) is author of the book How to Get A Girlfriend: The Seven Essential Skills for Attracting the Woman of Your Dreams and Natural Attraction, 7 CD Audio course on image enhancement and dating for men. Learn how to become a man that's magnetically attractive to women of exceptional quality and how to build positive and healthy relationships through charisma and self-image enhancement.

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    7 Tips on the Perfect Kiss

    88% Of People Do Not Know How To Kiss Their Partner.

    >>  Learn How To Be A Wonderful Kisser and Make Your Partner Beg For More <<

    Kissing is often an overlooked art when it comes to seducing your partner. Obviously there are many types of kisses and they can be used in different settings. Here are some kisses that are used with partners.

    Greeting kisses with your partner


    • The hello kiss: A quick kiss on the lips which says ‘hey babe, how was your day'.
    • The hello kiss +: A bit longer than the hello kiss, this kiss says ‘hey babe, I was thinking about you today (eyebrows raised).
    • Not even in the door kiss: A passionate kiss which says, well! It kind of speaks for itself.
    Lounging about the house kisses:



    • Just a quick kiss: A quick kiss just to remind them you love them
    • Kids are out playing kiss: A longer kiss followed by the words ‘the kids are out playing.................'
    • You're getting it tonight kiss: passionate, playful, long and hard saying ‘I'm horny!!!'
    • Just before sleep kiss: A quick peck on the cheek or lips to say ‘goodnight babe'.
    Making love kisses:



    • Thank god, the painters have left kiss: Menstrual cycle is over and it's time to get back on track
    • I really want you kiss: long, passionate, all over the face type of kiss saying ‘I'm hungry'
    • The spiritual kiss: slow, long, softer, passionate which says ‘I love you on a deeper level'
    There are a million more types of kisses I've only named 10 of our most popular, sorry! 10 of the most popular ones I have read about and seen on TV. But, what makes a good kiss? How can you improve your kissing? Here are 7 tips to make that perfect kiss:



    1. Men: Have a good shave, by this I mean a close shave. Women prefer passionate kissing when the man has had a close shave rather than the man with stubble.
    2. An obvious one this but do not eat strong tasting foods like curry or garlic, unless your partner is eating it too.
    3. Do not kiss your partner if you have a mouth infection of any kind, viruses can be carried through the saliva when kissing.
    4. Make use of your partners body and kiss them all over, kissing is not just meant for the mouth.
    5. Vary your kisses from soft, long kisses to hard and passionate kisses
    6. Kiss with your eyes open and maintain eye contact, most people close their eyes when kissing, so keeping your eyes open can be different and fun.
    7. Do it in private. Most people hate seeing other people kissing in public. I don't mean the quick pecks I mean the passionate ‘I really want you kiss'. Have you ever seen this in the high street, it's gross. Leave the passionate kisses in the privacy of your home or where nobody can see you.

    Change your thought and you will change your life.

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